返回 依据海牙取证公约调查取证请求书(中英文对照)



Filling out thefields: Complete this form electronically using a word processor. Use plainlanguage and avoid using unnecessary legal or technical language. Spell outdates in full (e.g., “1 January 2014”). If the LETTER OF REQUEST is beingprepared by a party to the proceedings, consider engaging counsel in theREQUESTED STATE to advise on the drafting of the LETTER OF REQUEST. If aparticular item does not apply, insert “not applicable” or”n/a” or otherwiseindicate that this item is not applicable. The notes accompanying this formprovide further information on filling out each field.   

填写栏目:使用word程序制作电子表格。使用通俗易懂的语言,避免使用不必要的法律或技术用语。日期应填写完整(例如:201411日,即:1 January 2014)。如果由当事人准备请求书,建议在起草请求书时咨询被请求国律师的意见。如果请求书的某一项不适用,请输入“不适用not applicable”、“n/a”或者以其他方式表明该项不适用。关于填写本表格的逐项具体要求,详见本表格的注释。

These Guidelinesare to be used when completing LETTERS OF REQUEST, however, they may also beuseful when applying for permission to take evidence under Chapter II of theEvidence Convention. In such cases, the Model Form should be adaptedaccordingly.


Content: Thisform is designed to ensure that the LETTER OF REQUEST complies with the minimumcontent requirements set out in Art. 3(1) of the CONVENTION. It also makesprovision for additional content to be specified that may assist the executionof the LETTER OF REQUEST.   


Attachments:Attachments may be used. The notes accompanying this form indicate somesituations in which it might be convenient to do so. Attachments should beclearly identified and referenced in the LETTER OF REQUEST, and they should besecurely fastened to the completed form.


Language: Thecompleted form (including attachments) must be in the language of the REQUESTEDSTATE, or must be accompanied by a translation into that language (Art. 4(1)).However, the REQUESTED STATE may permit or require a different language to beused (Art. 4(2)-(4)). To find out the particular language requirements for theREQUESTED STATE, check the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for that State.

语言:范本及其附件应当以被请求国的文字作成或者附有该种文字的译文(第4条第1款)。但是,被请求国也可以准许或者要求使用其他的文字(第4条第2-4款)。如欲了解被请求国关于特定文字的要求,请查询该国的实用信息表(TABLEAU DES INFORMATIONS PRATIQUES)。

Format: TheLETTER OF REQUESTmay be issued in paper or electronic form in accordance withthe law of the REQUESTING STATE. If the REQUESTING AUTHORITY wishes to issuethe LETTER OF REQUEST in electronic form (e.g., as a PDF file), it should firstcheck with the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of the REQUESTED STATE that such a form willbe accepted.


Copies: Ingeneral, a LETTER OF REQUESTshould be furnished in duplicate, except if it isissued in electronic form. If in doubt, contact the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of theREQUESTED STATE. To find out the contact details of the CENTRAL AUTHORITY,check the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for the REQUESTED STATE.

副本:一般而言,应当提交两份请求书,除非该请求书以电子形式发出。如有疑问,请与被请求国中央机关联系。如欲查找中央机关联系方式的详细信息,请查询该国的实用信息表(practical information chart)。

Nolegalisation:The LETTER OF REQUEST does not need to be legalised (or apostillised) (Art.3(3)).


Terminology: Inthis form:


CentralAuthority means the authority designated by a Contracting State to receiveLETTERS OF REQUEST from the Requesting State, and to transmit them to theRequested Authority.   


Convention meansHague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters, the full text of which is available on the Evidence Sectionof the Hague Conference website.

公约是指1970318日关于从国外调取民事或商事证据的海牙公约。该公约的全文可在海牙会议网站证据区域Evidence Section获得。

Hague Conferenceon Private International Law (or Hague Conference) means the intergovernmentalorganisation under whose auspices the Convention was negotiated andadopted.   


Letter ofRequest means the device used to request the obtaining of evidence or theperformance of some of other judicial act under the Evidence Convention.


Practicalinformation chart means the chart for a given Contracting State, which isavailable on the Evidence Section of the Hague Conference website under“Central and other Authorities”.

实用信息表是指为每一特定的缔约国制作的表格,该表格可在海牙会议网站证据区域Evidence Section项下的中央和其他机关Central and other Authorities栏目下获得。

RequestedAuthority means the authority that executes the Letter of Request.


Requested Statemeans the State to which the Letter of Request is addressed.


RequestingAuthority means the authority that issues the Letter of Request.


Requesting Statemeans the State from which the Letter of Request is issued.


Furtherinformation: For further information on obtaining evidence abroad under theConvention, visit the “Evidence Section” of the Hague Conference website <www.hcch.net >. Detailed explanations on the operation of the Convention areprovided in the Practical Handbook on the Operation of the Hague EvidenceConvention, which may be ordered via the Evidence Section.

其他信息:如欲了解根据公约调取域外证据的其他信息,请访问海牙会议网站(www.hcch.net)的证据区域(Evidence Section)。请通过该网站的证据区域(Evidence Section)订阅海牙取证公约实施实务手册了解该公约实施的详细解释。



HagueConvention of 18 March 1970 on the

Takingof Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters







Central Authority of the Requested State





Person to whom the executed request is to be returned





Specification of the date by which the Requesting Authority   requires receipt of the response to the Letter of Request





Reason for urgency



In conformitywith Article 3 of the Convention, the undersigned applicant has the honour tosubmit the following request:   


Requesting Authority (Art. 3(a))




To the Competent Authority of (Art. 3(a))




Names of the case and any identifying number



Names and   addresses of the parties and their representatives (including representatives   in the Requested State)(Art. 3(b))















Other parties   






Nature of the proceedings (divorce, paternity, breach of contract,   product liability, etc.) (Art. 3(c))   





Summary of complaint



Summary of defence and counterclaim



Othernecessary information or documents   



Evidence to be obtained or other judicial act to be performed   (Art. 3(d))   




Purpose of the evidence or judicial act sought



Identity and address of any person to be examined(Art. 3(e))   




Questions to be put to the persons to be e×amined or statement of   the subject-matter about which they are to be e×amined (Art. 3(f))




Documents or other property to be inspected (Art. 3(g))   




Any requirement that the evidence be given on oath or affirmation   and any special form to be used (Art. 3(h))   




Special methods or procedure to be followed (e.g., oral or in   writing, verbatim transcript or summary, cross-e×amination, etc.)(Arts 3(i)   and 9)




Request for notification of the time and place for the e×ecution   of the Request and identity and address of any person to be notified (Art.   7)   




Request for attendance or participation of judicial personnel of   the requesting authority at the e×ecution of the Letter of Request (Art. 8)




Specification of privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence   under the law of the Requesting State (Art. 11(b))





The fees and costs incurred which are reimbursable under the   second paragraph of Article 14 or under Article 26 of the Convention will be   borne by




Date of request



Signature and seal of the    Requesting Authority





Item 1: The lawof the REQUESTING STATE determines which authority sends the LETTER OF REQUESTto the REQUESTED STATE. In some States, the REQUESTING AUTHORITY itself sendsthe LETTER OF REQUEST abroad, or arranges for it to be transmitted abroad(e.g., by the moving party or its representative). In other States, the LETTEROF REQUEST is first transmitted to a centralised authority (generally theCentral Authority of the REQUESTING STATEdesignated to receive LETTERS OFREQUEST from abroad), which itself sends the LETTER OF REQUEST abroad.


Item 2: In someStates, a LETTER OF REQUESTmay be sent directly to the REQUESTED AUTHORITY,thereby bypassing the CENTRAL AUTHORITY. If this is the case, insert the nameof the REQUESTED AUTHORITY instead of the name of the CENTRAL AUTHORITY. Tofind out whether LETTERS OF REQUESTmay be transmitted directly to the REQUESTEDAUTHORITY, check the PRACTICALINFORMATION CHART for the REQUESTED STATE.

2项:在某些国家,可以绕过中央机关,将请求书直接发给被请求机关。在这种情况下,应当输入被请求机关的名称而非中央机关的名称。如欲了解是否可以直接将请求书发给被请求机关,请查询被请求国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)。

Item 3: Thedocuments establishing the execution of a LETTER OF REQUESTare sent to theRequesting Authority by the same channel that the REQUESTING AUTHORITY used tosend the LETTER OF REQUEST.


Item 4: TheREQUESTED STATEis required to execute the LETTER OF REQUEST expeditiously. Insome cases, the LETTER OF REQUEST may need to be executed and returned within aparticular timeframe. Use this item to specify any such timeframe and explainthe urgency. In some States, the authorities will endeavour give special expeditedprocessing to urgent requests, although there is no guarantee that the LETTEROF REQUESTwill be executed within the specified timeframe. To find out how longit generally takes for aLETTER OF REQUEST to be executed in the REQUESTEDSTATE, check the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for that State. Alternatively,contact the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of the REQUESTED STATE. Bear in mind that executionmay be delayed due to factors that are beyond the control of the authorities ofthe REQUESTED STATE (e.g., the availability and willingness of a person to giveevidence)

4项:被请求国应当迅速执行请求。在某些案件中,需要在特定的时间内执行请求并反馈结果。通过本项说明特定的时间要求以及需要紧急办理的原因。在某些国家,即使不能确保请求书可以在指定的期限内得以执行,还是会对紧急的请求尽力迅速处理。如欲了解被请求国执行请求书的大致时间,请查询被请求国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)或者咨询被请求国的中央机关。注意:可能由于被请求国相关机关无法控制的原因导致延迟执行请求(例如:能否找到证人和证人作证的意愿)。

Item 5a:A LETTEROF REQUEST may only be issued by a judicial authority. The law of theRequesting State determines which judicial authorities are competent to issueLETTERS OF REQUEST.   


Item 5b: TheREQUESTING AUTHORITY is not expected to identify the REQUESTED AUTHORITY. Thiswill be done by the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of the REQUESTED STATE. The law of theREQUESTED STATE determines which authority is competent to execute the LETTEROF REQUEST. In most States, LETTERS OF REQUEST are executed by judges, magistratesor other judicial officers. In other (typically common law) States, LETTERS OFREQUEST are often executed by court-appointed examiners, which are typicallyprivate legal practitioners. Competence to execute the LETTER OF REQUEST maydepend on the place of execution (e.g., the location of the person givingevidence, or the location of the property).


Item 5c: Thecase may be cited using the style of the REQUESTING STATE.


Item 6: If thereis only a single party to the proceedings, only item 6a needs to be completed.Consider including an e-mail address for the parties and/or theirrepresentatives to facilitate future correspondence with the REQUESTEDAUTHORITY (particularly if the parties and/or their representatives are to bepresent at execution – see item 14). If there are multiple plaintiffs ordefendants, consider specifying only the lead plaintiff or defendant, using thestyle of the REQUESTING STATE.   


Item 7a: Theamount of information provided depends on the proceedings and the evidencebeing sought. As far as possible, describe the nature of proceedings in aprecise manner, and in such a way as to ensure that a foreign authorityunfamiliar with litigation practices in the REQUESTING STATE would understandthe request.   


Items 7b and c:Pay close attention to describing the pleadings that give rise to the request(i.e., the pleadings in support of which the evidence is sought). Detailedinformation may be necessary where a person is sought to be examined about aparticular subject-matter (see item 10).


Item 7d: Otherdocuments may include judicial decisions that specify the nature and details ofthe evidence being sought. Remember that any attachment to the LETTER OFREQUEST will need to comply with the language requirements.


Item 8a: Where evidenceis to be obtained, use items 9 to 11 to specify the evidence sought. Obtainingparticular material or performing particular acts may be outside the functionsof the judiciary of the REQUESTED STATE, in which case the LETTER OF REQUESTrisks being refused execution. If in doubt, refer to the PRACTICAL INFORMATIONCHART for the REQUESTED STATE, or contact the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of theREQUESTED STATE.

8a项:如欲获取证据,在第911项中对所寻求的证据作出详细说明。获取特定的材料或者履行特定的司法行为可能超越被请求国司法机关的职能,在这种情况下,存在着拒绝执行请求的风险。对此如存疑问,请查询被请求国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)或者咨询被请求国的中央机关。

Item 8b: Thisitem is particularly important for LETTERS OF REQUEST issued in proceedings incommon law jurisdictions, in cases where (a) the production of documents issought, and (b) the REQUESTED STATE has declared that it will not executeLETTERS OF REQUEST issued for the purpose of pre-trial discovery of documents.To find out whether the REQUESTED STATE has made such an “Article 23declaration”, refer to the “Table Reflecting Applicability of Articles 15, 16,17, 18 and 23 of the Hague Evidence Convention”. Where metadata of documentsstored electronically is sought, specify clearly what type of information isneeded e.g. the authorship of a specific document, the number of times adocument has been accessed and by whom, etc. In such cases, avoid requesting asevidence a hard drive or another computer device as that would likely beconsidered as a “fishing expedition”.

8b项:本栏目对于普通法程序下签发的请求书尤为重要,特别是请求提交文件且被请求国已经声明不执行旨在进行审判前文件调查请求书的情况下。如欲了解被请求国是否针对第23条作出声明,请查阅有关取证公约第1516171823条适用性的表格(Table Reflecting Applicability of Articles 15, 16, 17, 18 and 23 ofthe Hague Evidence Convention)。如欲调取以电子形式存储的元数据资料,请明确详细说明需要何种类型的资料,例如:特定资料的作者、资料的访问者以及访问的次数,等等。避免请求调取一块硬盘或另一计算机设备作为证据,以免被认为是钓鱼陷阱。

Item 9:Providing complete and accurate information on the person to be examined isimportant to allow the REQUESTED AUTHORITY to readily identify and notify thatperson. For a natural person, specify a residential address. The nationality,profession, date of birth of the person and the identification number may alsobe specified (if known). Where evidence is sought from a legal person, specifyan authorised office and/or officeholder and the registration number. Whereevidence is sought from multiple persons, a separate LETTER OF REQUEST may needto be issued for each person. If in doubt, contact the CENTRAL AUTHORITY of theREQUESTED STATE to check whether separate LETTERS OF REQUESTare needed.


Item 10:Questions should be drafted in a clear and concise manner, and should avoidvague and uncertain concepts that may not be understood by the REQUESTED AUTHORITY.In addition, questions should be precise and sufficiently specific. Vague orimprecise questions needlessly complicate the task of the REQUESTED AUTHORITYinexamining the witness or expert and may elicit unhelpful responses. Thesubject-matter of the examination should be clearly defined, bearing in mindthat the REQUESTED AUTHORITY is unlikely to know more about the case than thatwhich is specified in the LETTER OF REQUEST (see item 7). The wider the scopeof the subject-matter, the greater the need to give particulars. Questions maybe specified in an attachment, in which case, ensure that the attachment isclearly identified and insert a reference to the attachment. Remember that anyattachment to the LETTER OF REQUEST will need to comply with the languagerequirements.


Item 11:Documents and property should be specifically identified. For documents,specify the author, recipient, subject-matter, and date (where known), as wellas the name and address of the person from whom the documents or property areto be produced. Avoid describing the documents as any and all documents withina class. The REQUESTED STATE may have declared that it will not execute aLETTER OF REQUEST issued for the purposes of pre-trial discovery of documents.To find out whether the REQUESTED STATE has made such an “Article 23declaration”, refer to the “Table Reflecting Applicability of Articles 15, 16,17, 18 and 23 of the Hague Evidence Convention”. Further information may alsobe available on the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for that State.

11项:应当明确识别文书和财产。对文书而言,说明作者、收件人、主题和日期(如果知道的话),以及文书或财产提交人的姓名和地址。避免使用某类“任何”或“所有”文件这类字眼。被请求国可能已经声明不执行旨在进行审判前文件调查的请求书。如欲了解被请求国是否针对第23条作出声明,请查阅有关取证公约第1516171823条适用性的表格(Table Reflecting Applicability of Articles 15, 16, 17, 18 and 23 ofthe Hague Evidence Convention),请查询被请求国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)以获得进一步的信息。

Item 12: The lawof the REQUESTING STATE may require evidence to be given on oath oraffirmation. It may also require a special form of oath or affirmation (e.g.,the use of particular words, or the use of a particular person to administerthe oath). The REQUESTED AUTHORITY is required to follow a request thatevidence be given on oath or affirmation, and that a special form be used,unless it is (a) incompatible with the internal law of the Requested State, or(b) impossible of performance by reason of its internal practice and procedureor by reason of practical difficulties. To avoid delays where the request isnot followed, use this item to specify whether evidence may be taken inaccordance with domestic procedure in the REQUESTED STATE. If in doubt as towhether a particular oath or affirmation may be administered, contact theCENTRAL AUTHORITY of the REQUESTED STATE.


Item 13:Evidence will be obtained applying the methods and procedures prescribed by thelaw of the REQUESTED STATE, which may be significantly different to thoseprescribed under the law of the REQUESTING STATE. To ensure that the evidenceis obtained in a form that can be used in the proceedings, the REQUESTEDAUTHORITY is required to follow a special method or procedure requested by theREQUESTING AUTHORITY, unless that method or procedure is (a) incompatible withthe internal law of the REQUESTED STATE, or (b) impossible of performance byreason of its internal practice and procedure or by reason of practical difficulties.Examplesof common requests include the taking of a written witness statement, theproduction of a verbatim transcript of oral examination, and the examinationand cross-examination of a witness by the parties or their representatives. Payclose attention to clearly specifying the method or procedure to avoid delaysin execution. It may be useful to provide an extract of the relevant law orguidelines of the REQUESTING STATE by way of an attachment to the LETTER OFREQUEST. Remember that any attachment to the LETTER OF REQUEST will need tocomply with the language requirements.


Item 14: Thisitem facilitates the implementation of Article 7 of the Convention, whichentitles the parties and their representatives to be present at the executionof the LETTER OF REQUEST, either in person or by video-link.   


Item 15: Thisitem facilitates the implementation of Article 8 of the Convention, whichprovides that members of the judicial personnel of the REQUESTING AUTHORITY maybe present at the execution of the LETTER OF REQUEST if (a) the REQUESTED STATEhas made a declaration to that effect, and (b) priorauthorisation by acompetent authority designated in the declaration is granted (if suchauthorisation is required by the REQUESTED STATE).Judicial personnel may bepresent at the execution of a LETTER OF REQUEST either in person or byvideo-link. To find out whether the REQUESTED STATE has made a declaration andthe content of that declaration, check the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for thatState.

15项:本栏目有助于公约第8条的实施,根据该条规定,在被请求国声明允许以及事先取得其指定的主管机关的批准(如果被请求国要求经过此等批准)的情况下,请求机关的司法人员可以在执行请求时亲自或者通过视像连结的方式到场。如欲了解被请求国是否做出声明以及声明的内容,请查询该国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)。

Item 16: Thisitem facilitates the implementation of Article 11(1)(b) of the Convention,which provides that a person may invoke a privilege or duty to refuse to givethe evidence under the law of the REQUESTING STATE if the privilege or duty hasbeen specified in the LETTER OF REQUEST. Pay close attention to clearlyspecifying the privilege or duty to avoid delays in execution. It may be usefulto provide an extract of the relevant law of the REQUESTING STATE by way of anattachment to the LETTER OF REQUEST. Remember that any attachment to the LETTEROF REQUEST will need to comply with the language requirements.


Item 17: The executionof the LETTER OF REQUEST only gives rise to reimbursement of particular costs,such as fees paid to experts and interpreters, costs occasioned by the use of a“special method or procedure” (Art. 14(2)), and certain costs for which theRequested State is required to request reimbursement because of constitutionallimitations (Art. 26). To find out whether the Requested State requiresreimbursement for these costs, check the PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART for thatState.

17项:执行请求书仅需偿付特定的费用,比如支付给鉴定人或译员的费用、要求采取特殊方式或程序的费用(第14条第2款)以及被请求国因为宪法限制而要求偿付的某些费用(第26条)。如欲了解被请求国是否要求偿付上述费用,请查询该国的实用信息表(PRACTICAL INFORMATION CHART)。



Have all fields ofthe relevant parts of the Model Form been filled out?


Have the completecontact details for the sender been provided, including telephone number faxand e-mail address?


Have the completecontact details for the receiving authority (Central Authority of the requestedState) been provided?


Where necessary,has the list of questions to be put to the persons to be examined or statementof the subject-matter about which they are to be examined been enclosed?


Where necessary,have judicial decisions that specify the nature and details of the evidencebeing sought been attached?


Have duplicates(unless Request is submitted in electronic form) of the LETTER OF REQUESTbeenenclosed?


Where required, hasan attached translation of the LETTER OF REQUEST and it attachments beenprovided?


Where a specialmethod or procedure has been requested for the taking of evidence, has an extractof the relevant law or guidelines of the REQUESTING STATE been attached?


Where a privilege or duty to refuse to give evidence has beenspecified, has an extract of the relevant law of the REQUESTING STATEbeenattached?


Has the form beenduly stamped and/or signed?
